This story is about how to protect the person that u love the most,
even though, u're not by his/ her side anymore.
U'll find a way to protect her.
No matter what, how & when.
Do you believe that there's a person that has the same voice with us??
from 10 people, maybe just 2-3 people believe it.
So do I.
I don't believe it, until someday.
On that day, I was having an accident and hurt my leg.
I was talking with my friend through my mobile phone and suddenly,
there was a guy go approach me.
Then he was said that "Can we speak for a while??"
I was shock at the moment then I said," Fine"
We sat together then he start asked me,
"Do u realize that we're having the same voice??"
"Do we??" I answer with asking back
"Yeah. So, instead of we're having the same voice, could u please do me a favor?? Please??"
I was silent and didn't know have to answer Yes or No.
Then he continued,
"If u're willing to help me. I will tell u all about my life story. The doctor said that my change to live only 3 months left. I can't left my mother in this way. She can't hold this all. I'm dreadful her. So, I really need ur help."
I neither answered Yes nor No, but that guy keep told me his life story.
He was asking me to phone his mother each year in the day he was passed away, just to told his mother that he's doing good in there and to give his mother a bravery to continue her life even though he was not by her side anymore.
1 year passed away.
I'm fill by confusion.
Now, I'm standing next to the public telephone.
I keep pick up and put back the receiver.
Can I do this??
Can I phone and talk to someone's mother and tell her a lie??
I'm fighting with myself for minutes.
Then, I pick up the receiver and dial the phone number.
An old woman picked up the phone, and I start.
"Mom, this is me."
"My son. How are you this last 1 year?? Are u fine?? Are u having enough money?? Can u sleep well at night??"
"MOm. I'm fine. Don't worry bout me."
"Sometimes, I just want to accompany u in there."
"Don't say something like that Mom. I'm really fine here. Even now, I have a girlfriend. She's a nice and a good girl. I'm really happy. U have to live this life with happy, k??"
That old woman keep crying and crying without say anything. She just nodding her head.
"I have to go now. Take care of yourself,k?? I'll call u later."
Till the end of the phone, that old woman keep crying coz of her longing to her son.
What did I said to that old woman is true.
I'm happy with my life and I'm having a nice and good girlfriend.
The most important is I Love Her.
Tonight, our anniversary.
She give me a hand-made sweater and she tell me to wear it.
Wanna know what I give her??
I give her a light hilt. Hers is pink and mine is blue.
She like to play fighting with me using that light hilt like a historical Chinnese movie.
Funny?? Yeap, I think so.
But, I'm really in love with her.
We're knowing each other accidentally in a lift.
That day, I was going back from hospital after accident to my apartment.
I met her for the first time in the lift at my apartment.
Suddenly, the lift was out of order and she kept screaming.
I told her to calm down coz this kind of things often happen in my life and it was the third or fourth time this week.
Then she asked," Is that true??"
"Yea. Because I'm thinking to repair the out-of-order lift by myself, I got fired from my office and now I'm a part time lift technician. It's help u a lot if u can repair this kind of thing by urself."
"So why don't u repair it now??"
"Don't u see my leg's condition?? How can I repair it now??"
"So, what should we do??"
"Just what. I'm sure that people will help us as soon as possible. Just calm down."
"I'm Derick. I'm also playing music in one of the pub. If u have time, please come and visit me."
"But, u said that u're a lift technician, are u??"
"Yea, both of them."
She was silent for a moment then she continued,
"I'm Shinie."
U know what at that time, I was lied to her about my job as a part-time lift technician.
I just want to comfort her and make her calm.
But, now she said that at that time, just by hearing my voice, she'll feel calm.
Today, I'm going to see doctor. She will acompanny me to the hospital as well.
I'm getting a headache this recently week and I don't know that's going on.
She always support me and tell me that everything will be fine.
But, somehow, I just know, nothing gonna be alright.
And my feeling was right.
I'm not okay. I'm having stadium-4 cancer and I need to do the operation to me as soon.
She's so angry to the doctor that saying the change for me to live is less than 30%.
But, I'm going to take the risk. I want to be operated soon.
At apartment, as usual.
She will cook the lunch for me. And u know what the lunch is??
Rice & 20 eggs. It's her favorite menu.
And today, she's cooking instead of crying and wreaking out her emotion.
Then we sit down together to having our lunch, but she's keep crying.
She doesn't understand, why I can be calm as now, when I know that w can't live any longer.
She clean out the lunch, even though I'm not finish my lunch then she run out.
I know what she feel right now and I just want to give her some times.
I walk to my room, then I record an asking.
"To whoever out there, has the same voice with my voice, please sent me an email with ur voice sample. I need to ask u to do me a favor. If u don't mind, then I will tell u a story. A story where this all begin. I know that my life is not longer anymore and I'm not sure that I can pass the operation tomorrow. If I can't pass tomorrow operation, please called my girlfriend every year after I passed away."
I just want to tell her in the first year, " I know u want to cry. Don't mind, just cry out loud, but u have remember to eat, okay?? Because If u don't eat, u won't have power to cry."
In the second year, tell her,"A guy who willing to eat 20 eggs at once is a guy who really love u."
In the third year, u have said that, " Ur hand-made sweater is bigger not and the left and right hand not in the same size again."
In fourth year, "There's no people who got ability like a historical Chinnese movie. U can't fight with people by using a light hilt."
In the five year, please tell her," I'm happy in here. So, u have to live ur life in a happy way."
In the six year, tell her that, " I'll always love you and I know you do love me, too. But, if u meet a guy who really love you, u should be with him, and I'm praying for u & him in here."
The day, I do my operation, she's accompany me.
She keep waving her hand to me as she know that I wouldn't be back anymore.
1 year passed away.
Telephone is ringing.
A girl who sit in the corner of the apartment, pick the phone.
"I know u want to cry. Don't mind, just cry out loud, but u have remember to eat, okay?? Because If u don't eat, u won't have power to cry."